General Announcements
DIN-ECO Announces Second Innovation Competition for European Students in Digital Fields
Posted: 14-11-2023 11:47 | Views: 867
The competition invites young innovators to showcase their talents in Digital Technologies, Health, and Manufacturing.
Participation of I.U research team in the Workshop entitled "2023 Sensemaking with Projects Workshop" within the framework of the EIT-HEI Initiative
Posted: 10-11-2023 10:21 | Views: 4064
The two-day Workshop - Working Meeting entitled "2023 Sensemaking with Projects Workshop” was held on 25th and 26th October 2023, by the HEI Initiative of the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT). The action took place in Bologna, Italy at the National Research Center Building. 
3rd Project Meeting of the DIN-ECO research project in Nis, Serbia, on 8 June 2023
Posted: 07-07-2023 19:36 | Views: 2357
Τhe research project DIN-ECO (Boosting Digital Innovation & Transformation Capacity of HEIs in an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem), with Scientific Coordinator Prof. Adamantia Pateli from the Ionian University had its 3rd Project Meeting on Thursday, June 8 2023 -the 1st meeting for DIN-ECO phase 2- at the Campus of the University of Nis, Serbia.
Participation of representatives of the DIN-ECO project in the 2023 IVAP Workshop of the EIT in the framework of the HEI Initiative
Posted: 06-06-2023 14:58 | Views: 3308
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On May 31 - June 1, 2023, the Workshop entitled "Innovation Vision Action Plan (IVAP) Workshop 2023" was held with great success and high attendance by the HEI Program of the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT). The event took place in Prague at the emblematic Gabriel Loci building.
DIN-ECO project participation in Innovent Forum on the 10th & 11th of February 2023 at JOIST Innovation Park in Larissa
Posted: 22-03-2023 18:19 | Views: 565
Start: 10-02-2023 |End: 11-02-2023
The DIN-ECO project participated in the innovation and technology exhibition Innovent Forum that took place on the 10th & 11th of February at JOIST Innovation Park in Larissa.
Call for student proposals for DIN-ECO Innovation
Posted: 24-11-2022 13:20 | Views: 3563
The DIN-ECO Project is in the quest for future pioneers, changemakers and inventors who will revolutionize the fields of Digital Technologies, Digital Health and Manufacturing. 
Welcome to the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Posted: 08-04-2022 14:04 | Views: 494
Quisque luctus, quam eget suscipit venenatis, odio sem auctor lacus, eget pretium tellus leo id felis. Nullam vehicula, dolor vulputate accumsan efficitur, mi justo venenatis urna, a sodales justo ante sit amet leo. Aliquam id mi et erat sodales condimentum. Nulla sit amet finibus purus. Cras pellentesque, ante eget vestibulum scelerisque, nisl turpis luctus felis, id accumsan quam nisl sed (...)
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